Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Prayer A Day : January 6, 2011

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray today for you to move through me and bring to my mind hidden sin that is preventing me from feeling joy in You and joy in my life. I deeply desire to confess anything that would hinder my relationship with you, my family and my friends. Father, it is the desire of my heart to lift this burden of weariness and darkness that I might find hope and joy as I once felt and knew so well.

I want my heart to overflow with thankfulness to You and the people you have placed in my life. I have bore a heavy burden because my family has been splintered in every direction. The depth and magnitude of the hardship I have had has taken a toll on my spirit. I am weary and feel burdened and troubled. I deeply desire peace and joy again. I need to reflect more on You and the great love you have provided for me. It is not an empty cistern. I know your word says it is an overflowing well, but I just don't feel it. I feel like an empty vessel, with little hope or love. I am lonely in my lingering sadness. It is not a place for me nor is it a place you want for me.

I so much need a soul check. I need to purge sin from my life and live in joy in you. I know it is not about my circustances, it is about my heart. I want to linger longer in your word and meditate on your direction for me. Help me to see you in all things and to feel joy, peace and hope.

I pray for clarity and depth and power that has authenticated my faith and my calling in  the past. I have acted in pure faith and lost it all and I need to feel the replenishment of your Spirit. I need to have the word of God cascade over me. I need to feel afresh that I love God and not just talk about God or read about God. I need to find a place of worship among others that adore you. Help me dear Lord in this journey. I wait upon you Oh, Father. In the Awesome Name of  JESUS-AMEN